Thursday, January 27, 2011
Potty Training!!
Tuesday morning Burke didn't want to put on a new diaper so I put underwear on him. (A couple people I know have done the 3 day potty training boot camp and it work for them. I knew it wouldn't be that easy for us since you have to stay glued to your child's side during these 3 days and not go anywhere. That's pretty hard to do when you have a nursing 4 month old to take care of too!) So I put all his diapers in the garage and told him I threw them away. Day 1 we went through maybe 6 pairs of underwear. He did great. I didn't think I could do it, I figured I'd give in and just put a diaper on him especially since Wednesday we had Dane's check and my niece Rylee's 1st basketball game to go to. So we were getting ready for to leave for the Dr and I tried putting a pull up on him. Burke said 'not that kind'. Of course he wanted to only wear big boy underwear. So I packed a separate bag with multiple changes of clothes. I was just hoping that Burke could hold it while we were in the car.... and he did great. Day 2- only 2 pairs of underwear. Here we are on day 3!!! I'm amazed at how well he's doing. We still have to keep a close eye on him and constantly ask him if he has to go. It's so cute to see him in his underwear and boy will it be nice not having to buy diapers for him anymore :) We're so proud of our big boy!!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Florida (part 1)
Here are a couple picts from our drive down to Ft Myers... Apparently I'm maxed out on picture space on the blog so we'll try to fix this so I can continue posting pictures. ( I guess your only allowed 1 GB of pictures on the entire blog)
I have so so so many pictures to update with. Plus Dane just turned 4 months yesterday and his check up is tomorrow. I'll post his update tomorrow! Today is day 1 of potty training with Burke. He's doing really well :) I thought I would have given in by now and just put a diaper back on him. Right now he's taking a nap on our bed; luckily he's sleeping on Paul's side!! Hopefully he'll wake up dry :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
christmas day
These are from Christmas day. We got Burke a drum set and basketball hoop. I know DRUMS!! best worst gift a parent can buy for their own child. Honestly though it hasn't been to bad. The toy room door is closed is he's rocking out :)
How cute is he?!! Dane at 3 months.
My attempt at getting a picture with my boys. We probably should have tried way earlier in the day!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Christmas cookies & Hard Candy
This year we made a lot of cookies! Burke was a big helper. He loved pouring things into the bowl. We made cookies with Lisa and Katie one day and John, Amanda and the kids came over another day to make cut outs.

Couple picts of the boys that were to cute not to share!

Dane is smiling a lot now! He even smiles with his eyes!
Grandma Richards use to make a hard candy with her sister each year around Christmas and hasn't made it in a long time so I thought it would be fun to get the aunts and cousins together to make it with Grandma GG. We all had a lot of fun! Only 2 of the 9 got burns on their hands :)
Dane fell alseep as I was doing dishes and getting things ready for everyone to come over
Couple picts of the boys that were to cute not to share!
Burke is so sweet with his little brother!
Dane is smiling a lot now! He even smiles with his eyes!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Catching up
We had really nice Christmas with everyone. I think we celebrated 4 or 5 times this year. We had a little party at our house Christmas Eve, my parents stayed the night and Burke opened gifts in the morning. Grandma GG came over for breakfast. Then we headed over to Laurie and Jeff to celebrate with the Penziol's, then to the Erne's to see all of my mom's side of the Fam. Matt and Court and the kids came that evening and stayed at our house. Sunday morning we celebrated again with them. We had a very busy couple of days! Burke and Dane received tons of cool stuff. THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!
I've taken about 400 pictures since the week of Christmas but I don't have the right connection to upload them to the computer :( Hopefully we can figure something out b/c I'm way behind on my posts!
Now were in Ft. Myers Beach, Florida. We left Wednesday night drove until we got into Florida got a hotel and continued the drive Friday morning.(The boys did really well. Dane slept majority of the time and Burke watched DVD's.) My cousin Rich plays at the S.O.B for New Years Eve each year so we went and saw him. The weather here was been beautiful in the mid 70's. Our first day we saw dolphins from our balcony. We've been relaxing by the pool and enjoying the views. Dane went swimming for the first time. He liked the water. Yesterday we took the boys to the beach. Burke played in the sand and found shells. Today Paul and my dad are out golfing (again) when they get back we're going to the marina to see manatees. We have a couple more days here until we made the 23 hour drive home.
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