Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today Burke is 6 weeks old!

birth weight: 7.2 lbs
4 weeks: 7.15 lbs
6 weeks: 9.4 lbs

Monday, July 28, 2008

B's update...

Burke is 5 weeks old now. He is constantly moving his arms and legs. We really have to watch him during tummy time because he has a tendency to roll over. (The first time he rolled from his back to his stomach was at 2 weeks old) He smiles when he's eating and sleeping. He has a lot of facial expressions especially when he's hungry (which is all the time!). His hair is still light. In the sun it looks strawberry blonde. His eyes are blue.

He's a good sleeper. Typically he goes to bed around 9 or 10 and sleeps for 4-6 hours eats then goes back to sleep for 3 hours eats and go back to sleep for 2 more hours. We're so happy he doesn't have his days and nights mixed up ;)

The last month and half has flown by.... Paul and I are very blessed to have B in our lives!

(pictures are oldest to newest)

We took Burke to...

When Burke and I venture out we usually go to Target, the grocery store, or to rent a movie. About 2 weeks ago Burke, my mom and I (and some of my mom's friends) went to Amish Acres. We had dinner and then went to see the play 'Plain and Pretty'. The play was 2 1/2 hours; we watched 2 hours of it. Burke slept through the majority of it. (He would squirm a bit when the audience clapped.)

Our next public trip out was to see "The Dark Knight" the new Batman movie. Again we took Burke. I was a nervous wreck the whole time. Boy did I get some funny looks taking a baby to the movies. I had him in his sling and he did great. He slept right through it! I don't know how, it was very loud.

Our latest trip out was Saturday night. Paul's company had an outing at Conner Prairie. We had dinner there and then we listened to the Indianapolis Symphony. They played all James Bond music. It was a out door event. This time Burke stayed awake. He was laying on the blanket inbetween Paul and I. He was looking up at the trees and listening to all of the people and the music. The 3 of us had a really nice time and would love to do it again.

We know these are not things you would typically take a baby that is only a month old to but Burke seems to do quite well at public events!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Happy 3rd Birthday Big Nolan! We hope you have a fun day. Have an extra piece of cake for us.
Here are a some pict's from the past 3 years...


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July

Laurie and I have been pretty busy lately with Burke and the Holiday last week. We went home on Wednesday and stayed in Laporte till Sunday morning. We had a great time seeing all the family and friends. We went to the parade on Friday with my family.