Dane is doing great. We have had a huge day so far. We've had a ton of family and friends stop by to see him. Thanks to everyone.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Dane Avery Penziol
Dane was just born at 8:41pm tonight. He is 8 lbs 2oz. The cord was wrapped around his neck twice. Not to worry though, everything was fine. Laurie only pushed for 12 minutes. She was trooper. Thanks for everyone's support and prayers. We can't wait for everyone to meet him.
At the hospital
Laurie and I are at the hospital now ready for baby number 2 to arrive. Laurie had her usual non-stress test this morning and wasn't dilated to much. After she came home for a few hours, she started having some really bad contractions. We tried to wait the contractions out for a while and headed to the hospital at about 4:00. She was dilated to 6 when we got there. Right now, Laurie is 100% effaced and dilated to 8cm. So, it should be anytime now. I'll post some pictures later.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
10 days to go
So this morning I thought today was going to be the day! My contractions kept keeping me up and finally at 2:45am I decided to stay up for a bit. My contractions were 4-5 minutes apart for an hour then tapered off to every 10 minutes for the next hour. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the last 2 weeks but this felt different. It was a false alarm ofcourse. I went back to sleep around 5. I've still been having them just not as many. My actual due date is 10/01/10 which I'm kind of shooting for just because I think the date is cool :)
My 39 week check up is Friday morning. I'll update again then!
--Another new post below!
My 39 week check up is Friday morning. I'll update again then!
--Another new post below!
38 weeks...
Saturday we went to the Sunflower festival in downtown LP. I was very suprised at how interested Burke was in seeing the cars that were displayed. We walked around for a bit and Burke rode on the kiddie ride. We went out to Garwoods for the apple fest after that but got rained out.
Sunday Paul went golfing with my Dad and Bro. Then we meet some friends for dinner and came back and watched the Colts game. Burke stayed the night with my parents. It was nice to have a little quite time :)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
37 weeks
Monday the 13th I had my check up. I measure at 38 weeks and am 2 cm dialated. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the last week or so. It's hard to believe that the baby could arrive at any time now :)
As for the babies name... Paul picked the name out a long time ago and I've been back and forth about it but I was the same way when he picked the name Burke. It's so hard to pick a name that you'll still like 50 years from now. Such a hard decision!
We've been cleaning and rearranging the house for the past couple of weeks. I think we have everything ready. I have my bag packed for the hospital and Burke's over night bag is ready too! Now we just have to wait until he's ready to arrive :)
37 1/2 weeks

Last night I went to dinner with some friends and family for a celebration of baby boy #2! I had a nice night out and recieved some really cute things. Thank you so much!!
******Another new post below*********
As for the babies name... Paul picked the name out a long time ago and I've been back and forth about it but I was the same way when he picked the name Burke. It's so hard to pick a name that you'll still like 50 years from now. Such a hard decision!
We've been cleaning and rearranging the house for the past couple of weeks. I think we have everything ready. I have my bag packed for the hospital and Burke's over night bag is ready too! Now we just have to wait until he's ready to arrive :)
37 1/2 weeks
Last night I went to dinner with some friends and family for a celebration of baby boy #2! I had a nice night out and recieved some really cute things. Thank you so much!!
******Another new post below*********
Labor Day weekend
36 weeks preggo! Friday morning I had a check up to make sure I could make the 4 hour trip to Brown Co. with the Penziol Family. I was given the go ahead so we packed the car and headed down to Indy to split up the drive.
Saturday we continued our drive and walked around Nashville and checked into our lodge Saturday afternoon. Below is the room we slept in with our private bath. The kids had lots of fun in the hot tub :)
Sunday morning we went to Monroe Dam and Paul and Burke did a little fishing. Paul caught a little one and Burke touched it. He kept saying how he didn't catch a fishy on his fishing pole.
We played at the park right by the dam for a little bit before heading back to the cabin.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Boat, Music fest, and water slide
2 weekends ago we went with John, Amanda and the kids on the boat. It was a beautiful day :) Its so relaxing out on the water. They found a nice little beach that the kids played on and splashed in the water for a bit.
After the boat ride Burke took a nap and then we went to the park to listen to some bands play.
Then on Sunday we went to Laurie and Jeff's house to play outside and have dinner. The kids have so much fun on the waterslide!
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