At his 6 month check up (a couple weeks ago...) he was doing everything he was suppose to! He's even sitting up w/o support which the Dr said he didn't expect to see until he was 7 months. He's still nursing and is eating baby food too. He's had bananas, pears, apples, mixed fruits, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, corn and I'm sure I'm missing some. He seems to like all of it! I think he's about ready for puffs since lately he's been grabbing food off my plate and trying to eat it :) Dane takes a couple naps a day some short and some long. We don't really follow any kind of schedule. When he's tired he sleeps and when he's hungry he eats! He's a good sleeper at night (as long as he's in our bed). He wakes a couple times to eat and goes back to sleep w/i minutes. Dane is a very mellow kid. We love to hear him squeal and giggle. He is reaching and grabbing for EVERYTHING. He likes his activity centers and johnny jumper. He doesn't have any teeth yet but I think he's working on it. He's chewing a lot so his raspberry teether is helping. We can't believe how fast he's growing and how different he looks every month! We're 1/2 way to his 1st birthday party.
weight: 15.8lbs 20%
height: 26.5 in 50%
head: 17in 25%

(Picts are from 3-24-11)
dear dane, Your such a big handsome little baby. We love you so very much. Your pictures are adorable as EVER. xoxoxoo
Dane is soooooooo cute luv him and burkey luv rylee or sissy!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha :)
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