Burke turned 10 months old yesterday. (Only 2 more months until his 1st Birthday!!)
In the past month Burke started crawling, cruising, and climbing the stairs. He has 6 teeth and is working on 7 & 8.
These pictures are from the last couple weeks.

I had to post this picture of his hair blowing in the wind.
I think that's his mean face.

Burke still sleeps with us. Who wouldn't want to crawl in bed next to him!

Burke is still nursing. Even with all those chompers!
He eats breakfast and dinner with us. He loves to feed himself.

Sorry this video is dark but you get the point. He loves crawling up the stairs :)
Loved the pictures!! sounded like he was counting as he went up the stairs (after all, he is sooo smart!)
aunt kathy
Great job Burke, Mama, and daddy. What a happy, healthy little guy. Can't believe he has so many teeth already(I didn't realize). Meredith isn't going to be able to catch up with that! So glad you are both still able to nurse, how good for the health of you both. Can't wait till the kids can all get together again.
WE LOVE BURKE!!!! He is so sweet, cute, and an amazing 10 month old! Best Friends forever! Love Lisa, AND Ethan!!!
Love his shirt. I remember Betsy make that! :) Nursing is the best!
That's my boy!! So fun to see our little guy making all his new moves. He's already a little shaker and climber. Time to get those new Pumas out. He'll be walking with MiMi before he know it. xoxo, MiMi
sweet narration on the vid!
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