This weekend the entire Penziol family met in West Lafayette for the Purdue vs. Penn State football game. We surprised my sister Laurie with a little birthday celebration while we tailgated near the stadium. It was a long day for Burke, but he was a trooper till the very end.

What a great baby! I can't beleive how great he travels. I am glad you are having so much fun with him. You look great Laurie, just wanted to tell you that.
Cute pictures, love the picture of Burke in the carrier. He looks like a doll, love the hat! Can't wait to see everyone!
That baby has a busier social life than I do....
So cute! what a doll!
Love the Purdue gear :) I can't believe how big he is getting. I just realized you left a comment on my page. I am not used to getting comments yet :) I love this blog thing!! Heard everything is going well. Sounds like Burke is quite the traveler :) Charlie is in Florida this week. Flight went great. I was so nervous! -Julie
You guys are so great with him! He is getting very big and quite a handsome little man! Laurie, you look great too...look how skinny you are! Amanda said they had a great time! I love that you take Burke everywhere! Can't wait to see you all again....probably not till next bday with John and Amanda's kids...but hopefully sooner:)
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