Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vegas Updates

So far Burke has done amazing in Vegas. He slept most of the flight and only got a little fussy on the decent into the Las Vegas Airport. We have ventured up and down the strip with him and he loves it. We didn't feel like lugging the stroller around so we decided that he could just be carried in Laurie's sling. He sits in it facing out so he can see everything that's going on. It's amazing all the looks we get though. People find it hard to believe that we have a baby here. It's not like he's in the casino strapped to mommy while she is dropping coins into slot machines. My conference is going well. Today is the last day, and we fly home Friday afternoon. We will post some pictures when we get home.

Burke's to do list for today:
- Sleep in
- Have breakfast
- Shop at the Venetian with mommy
- Go to lunch with mommy and daddy
- Watch the fountains at the Bellagio
- Play a little blackjack


Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me! I knew Burke would do well. It is so much easier when you don't have to push a huge stroller around all the time, glad you are getting alot of use out your carrier! Can't wait to see your pictures!
Auntie courtney

Kathy Tonagel said...

What a life Burke leads!!