Thursday, February 28, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Last night I had my hand on Laurie's belly and felt him kick for the first time. Laurie has told me for a while now that he really moves around in her belly but until now you really couldn't feel it on the outside. I had my hand on her belly and he gave me such a kick I couldn't believe it. You see the ultrasounds and know he's in there but until you feel something like that you really know that little guy is in there movin and shakin.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Baby's Room
This is the crib and dresser set that we ordered for the baby's room. We are excited to get this stuff and start putting the room together. The room color right now is pretty neurtral so I don't think we will have to paint much. This weekend Laurie and I went to Babies R Us and registered. I couldn't believe how much stuff they pack into that store. We had fun going through and looking at everything though.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Laurie and I are doing pretty well. We just went in for our 20 week doctors appointment yesterday. The baby is healthy and growing like he should be. Laurie is doing just fine as well. We are still on track for a due date at the end of June. We are tossing around a bunch of boy names but nothing is for sure yet. We found a crib that we really liked and ordered it a cuople days ago. Unfortunately, that means we had to start cleaning out the office bedroom to make room for everything. One of Laurie's friends at work wanted the big "L" shaped desk we had in there so that helped free up some space. We are still 20 weeks away from the baby being here but he already has more clothes than me. As long as he has a couple little Golf shirts I'm fine with it. He's going to be Daddy's little golf partner. Other than that, not much has changed recently.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Laurie and I finally finished up the tile floors last weekend. It was an ongoing project that never seemed to get finished. We were either out of town or didn't have the motivation to finish everything after workdays. I used Laurie's pregnancy excuse a couple of times to get out of working on them too. Hope you like em.

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